Most drivers know that if your car breaks down on the highway, you can pull over to the right side and, as long as it is completely over the white line, it can be left for a short time. However, when snow and ice are in the forecast that all changes.
When a winter weather advisory calls for ice or snow, the road crews prepare their plows. At the same time, the Highway patrol is given a notice to clear the highways of any potential hazards. Therefore, any vehicle on the right or left of the roadway whether its on the main road or on the entrance or exit ramps is to be immediately towed away at owners expense and taken to an impound yard, even if your vehicle is safely over the white line.
During a weather advisory, no vehicle will be left on the highways. No exception. Either move it yourself or they will move it for you.
I am told by the highway patrol that the only potential exception: if a car has slid off the road and ended up in the center median on the “grassy area”, in which case it is up to the officer whether to have it towed or not.
The take away of this information is this; When the plows start preparing to go out on the roads, any and all vehicles disabled on the highway must be removed, immediately. Please keep in mind that it is more costly for the police to tow it to impound than it is to secure you own.
Verified by Kansas Highway Patrol
Please, stay safe.